After about six years, I finally have a fresh new headshot and along with that I figured it was time to do a "Friday Introductions" & to tell you 10+ fun facts you may not know about me. So without further ado, hello my name is Elizabeth!
Williamsburg, VA is where I was born and I grew up in that area of Virginia (and briefly in Annapolis, MD) before moving to Charlottesville, VA as a young adult in the late 80's. About 5 years after moving there and right out of college, I started my photography business. Since 2005, I've been a resident of North Carolina and I absolutely love it here! My father is of Danish-English ancestry and my mother is of Scottish-Dutch ancestry and I have two sisters Sarah & Page, who both live in Florida. My life partner, Terry, is my family too. He's the love of my life! We have four cats (Keiko, Cheetah, Moxie, and Daisy), and at one time a combination of eight! I love dogs too and have many dog nieces and nephews who come to visit. Our family has always had cats, dogs, and an assortment of other critters. I'm so grateful our parents allowed us to have pets. I have such fond memories and to this day, I have a love of all creatures. Except for maybe spiders!
Growing up, I had a wonderful childhood. My two older sisters probably thought I was spoiled being the baby! We spent many days playing outside together, iceskating on the creek & sleighing in the winter, or going to the pool in the summer (or beach whenever possible - The Outer Banks was a regular vacation spot). When the weather was bad we'd play indoors with our Barbies & farm animals. I loved to color and draw - I was always happy with paper, markers, and crayons. We often visited our grandparents, with them living pretty close-by. I loved joining my maternal grandfather out on his boat on the Rappahanock River to go fishing with him. My paternal grandfather often took us to the park in Norfolk to play and watch the trains go by. The biggest treat was when he'd take us for ice-cream at Doumar's. It's still around & still fantastic!
Some of the things I enjoy are cooking, camping, hiking, kayaking, gardening, and live music. I'm most comfortable in a pair of jeans or a linen dress, wearing my Chaco sandals or my hiking boots, however I can also dress up, put on a little makeup, and enjoy an evening date night out to a special restaurant with Terry. Chai latte tea is one of my all time favorite things, I love seafood (especially shrimp), adore cheeses of all kinds, and a good glass of red wine on occasion. I spent two weeks in Tuscany, Italy several summers ago & I was in heaven!
Now that you know a little about me, I'd love to hear more about you. Please comment below! And if you are looking for a photographer for a wedding, event, portrait, or you'd like to learn more about some upcoming local photography workshops I'm teaching (more info on the blog coming soon), please contact me - I can't wait to hear from you!
Many thanks to Kelli Gowdy Photography for the headshot & The Prettiest Pieces for such a beautiful location!
Feb 23, 2018, 4:57:04 PM
Elizabeth Larson - Thank you for your kind words, Christine! I greatly appreciate it and you :)
Feb 23, 2018, 3:34:44 PM
Christine Snider - I've always loved you and your work! Thanks for sharing more about yourself! You ROCK!