Although I wasn't able to attend the full two evenings and three days of the PPNC Winter Seminar (Professional Photographers of North Carolina) I was able to spend most of this past Sunday and all of Monday there learning and meeting many of the members I hadn't met before. I've been a member of PPNC for about four years now & there always seems to be a conflict of some sort in order for me to attend any of their fabulous events, all focused around learning, education, and networking. This is only the 2nd winter seminar I've been able to attend (or any of them, come to think of it). 2018 is the year of change!
Many thanks go out to Misty and Pat of Misty Felde Photography for hosting the seminar at their fabulous studio. Its located right in the heart of historic downtown Eden, NC (it was so local for me - 20 minutes away!) in the Spray Mercantile Building, which is a super cool restored brick warehouse. The two classes I was able to attend on Sunday were a macro photography class taught by Aurora Greenberg DeLuca & an OCF off-camera flash lighting class taught by Ellen LeRoy. Both amazing speakers and classes! And yesterday, it was the fabulous Karen Goforth, who spoke on marketing your business. I so needed this (and so need to do this!). I'd really been looking forward to her class.
The macro class offered lots of pointers, which will help teach my class in May 2018 & the OCF class - well, I've been wanting to learn more about this for months now. I took away something from each of these three classes. Wow! I know now that I need to be more involved with PPNC and in general with more education. Oh and to get my marketing on. Thanks to all for making this happen and a special mention to Lisa Thayer for organizing. Next time I hope to meet more of the members & be able to stay longer. I feel like the bad teenager who snuck in late after their curfew!
Sharing just a few highlight photos from my two days there & why yes taken with my iPhone 6! If you are a photographer residing and/or own a studio or photography business in North Carolina I highly recommend PPNC. It doesn't matter if you're a commercial, portrait, wedding, school and/or sports photographer and if you're a newbie or an old-timer, you will be welcomed with opened arms. Everyone I spoke to was so kind and willing to share! You may sign up and learn more about PPNC here.
And I'd love to hear from you too - please get in touch!
Mar 5, 2018, 10:41:40 PM
Lisa Thayer - was wonderful meeting you Elizabeth and I look forward to seeing you more in the future. I am so happy you came, you had fun, learned some new things, were encouraged to try something a little different and know you can ROCK the changes that come too! I say PPNC is where strangers become friends and friends become family. It is a group like no other.....thanks for putting us on your calendar and coming! :)